API Specification

Below is a breakdown of ORM Core API spec.

Be sure to check out the Swagger docs for interactive documentation.

/accountsPOSTCreate/Update/Restore account.
/accountsDELETEDelete an account.
/accountsGETList accounts in a paginated format.
/accountsPATCHUpdate an account.
/accounts/courseDELETEDetach Course from Account.
/accounts/coursePOSTAssign Course to Account.
/accounts/departmentPOSTAssign Department to Account.
/accounts/departmentDELETEDetach Department from Account.
/accounts/dutyDELETEDetach Duty from Account.
/accounts/dutyPOSTAssign Duty to Account.
/accounts/identifier/{identifier}GETShow an Account by Identifier
/accounts/load-status/code/{code}GETList accounts with the specified load status code in a paginated format.
/accounts/load-status/{id}GETList accounts with the specified load status in a paginated format.
/accounts/roomDELETEDetach Room from Account.
/accounts/roomPOSTAssign Room to Account.
/accounts/schoolPOSTAssign Account to School.
/accounts/schoolDELETEDetach Account from School.
/accounts/username/{username}GETShow an Account by Username
/accounts/{id}GETShow an Account by ID
/addressesGETList Addresses in a paginated format.
/addressesPOSTCreate Address.
/addressesDELETEDelete an Address.
/addresses/account/{id}GETShow all Addresses owned by Account.
/addresses/identifier/{identifier}GETShow all Addresses owned by Account by Identifier.
/addresses/username/{username}GETShow all Addresses owned by Account by Username.
/addresses/{id}GETShow an Address by ID.
/alias-accountsDELETEDelete an alias account.
/alias-accountsGETList alias accounts in a paginated format.
/alias-accountsPOSTCreate/Update/Restore alias account.
/alias-accounts/username/{username}GETShow an alias account by Username
/alias-accounts/{id}GETShow an alias account by ID
/authPOSTAuthenticate with API using Secret.
/auth/loginPOSTAuthenticate with API using credentials.
/auth/validateGETVerify authenticated session.
/buildingsDELETEDelete a building.
/buildingsGETList Buildings in a paginated format.
/buildingsPOSTCreate/Update/Restore Building.
/buildings/code/{code}GETShow a Building by Code.
/buildings/{id}GETShow a Building by ID.
/campusesGETList campuses in a paginated format.
/campusesPOSTCreate/Update/Restore Campus.
/campusesDELETEDelete a Campus.
/campuses/code/{code}GETShow a Campus by Code.
/campuses/{id}GETShow a Campus by ID.
/countriesDELETEDelete a Country.
/countriesGETList Countries in a paginated format.
/countriesPOSTCreate/Update/Restore Country.
/countries/code/{code}GETShow a Country by Code.
/countries/{id}GETShow a Country by ID.
/coursesPOSTCreate/Update/Restore Course.
/coursesGETList Courses in a paginated format.
/coursesDELETEDelete a Course.
/courses/code/{code}GETShow a Course by Code.
/courses/{id}GETShow a Course by ID.
/departmentsDELETEDelete a Department.
/departmentsPOSTCreate/Update/Restore Department.
/departmentsGETList Departments in a paginated format.
/departments/code/{code}GETShow a Department by Code.
/departments/{id}GETShow a Department by ID.
/dutiesPOSTCreate/Update/Restore Duty.
/dutiesDELETEDelete a Duty.
/dutiesGETList Duties in a paginated format.
/duties/account/{id}GETShow a list of Duties that an account is a member of.
/duties/code/{code}GETShow a Duty by Code.
/duties/identifier/{identifier}GETShow a list of Duties that an account is a member of.
/duties/username/{username}GETShow a list of Duties that an account is a member of.
/duties/{id}GETShow a Duty by ID.
/emailsDELETEDelete an Email.
/emailsGETList Emails in a paginated format.
/emailsPOSTCreate/Update/Restore Email.
/emails/account/{id}GETShow all Email's owned by Account.
/emails/address/{address}GETShow a Email by Address.
/emails/identifier/{identifier}GETShow all Email's owned by Account by Identifier.
/emails/unverifiedGETList of unverified Emails in a paginated format.
/emails/unverified/account/{id}GETList of unverified Emails in a paginated format that are owned by the specified account.
/emails/username/{username}GETShow all Email's owned by Account by Username.
/emails/verifiedGETList of verified Emails in a paginated format.
/emails/verified/account/{id}GETList of verified Emails in a paginated format that are owned by the specified account.
/emails/{id}GETShow an Email by ID.
/load-status/code/{code}GETShow a Load Status by Code.
/load-statusesDELETEDelete a Load Status type.
/load-statusesPOSTCreate/Update/Restore Load Status.
/load-statusesGETList the available Load Status types.
/load-statuses/{id}GETShow a Load Status by ID.
/mobile-carriersPOSTCreate/Update/Restore Mobile Carrier.
/mobile-carriersGETList MobileCarriers in a paginated format.
/mobile-carriersDELETEDelete a Mobile Carrier.
/mobile-carriers/code/{code}GETShow a Mobile Carrier by Code.
/mobile-carriers/{id}GETShow a Mobile Carrier by ID.
/mobile-phonesGETList Mobile Phones in a paginated format.
/mobile-phonesDELETEDelete an Mobile Phone.
/mobile-phonesPOSTCreate/Update/Restore Mobile Phone.
/mobile-phones/account/{id}GETShow all Mobile Phone's owned by Account.
/mobile-phones/identifier/{identifier}GETShow all Mobile Phone's owned by Account by Identifier.
/mobile-phones/mobile-carrier/code/{code}GETList of Mobile Phones by Mobile Carrier Code.
/mobile-phones/mobile-carrier/id/{id}GETList of Mobile Phones by Mobile Carrier ID.
/mobile-phones/unverifiedGETList of unverified Mobile Phones in a paginated format.
/mobile-phones/unverified/account/{id}GETList of unverified Mobile Phones in a paginated format owned by an account.
/mobile-phones/username/{username}GETShow all Mobile Phone's owned by Account by Username.
/mobile-phones/verifiedGETList of verified Mobile Phones in a paginated format.
/mobile-phones/verified/account/{id}GETList of verified Mobile Phones that an account owns in a paginated format.
/mobile-phones/{id}GETShow an Mobile Phone by ID.
/roomsGETList Rooms in a paginated format.
/roomsPOSTCreate/Update/Restore Room.
/roomsDELETEDelete a Room.
/rooms/code/{code}GETShow a Room by Code.
/rooms/{id}GETShow a Room by ID.
/school/code/{code}GETShow a School by Code.
/schoolsDELETEDelete a School.
/schoolsPOSTCreate/Update/Restore School.
/schoolsGETList Schools in a paginated format.
/schools/{id}GETShow a School by ID.
/service-accountsGETList service accounts in a paginated format.
/service-accountsDELETEDelete an service account.
/service-accountsPOSTCreate/Update/Restore service account.
/service-accounts/identifier/{identifier}GETShow an service account by Identifier
/service-accounts/username/{username}GETShow an service account by Username
/service-accounts/{id}GETShow an service account by ID
/statesDELETEDelete a State.
/statesGETList States in a paginated format.
/statesPOSTCreate/Update/Restore State.
/states/code/{code}GETShow a State by Code.
/states/{id}GETShow a State by ID.
/verifyPOSTVerify Email or Mobile Phone.
/verify/{token}GETVerify Email or Mobile Phone.